Help us and our partners to fill a truck with food for families, many of which are child-headed households,
living between Mtunzini and Eshowe
in the North Coast region of KZN
In collaboration with Connect Network, OneVoice SA, and others we are preparing to send food into a third region in KZN, half-way up the North Coast.
OneVoiceSA is working on the ground with local leaders, churches and NPOs to address the severe hunger crisis in their district. Vulnerable families have been identified in consultation with local health clinics, MSF district councillor, ward councillors and tribal authorities.
Due to mob violence shops were ransacked in major shopping areas and, although rebuilding is starting to take place, food has become inaccessible due to long distances to get to stocked shops, job losses due to the the violence, as well as sky-rocketing food prices as a result of scarcity. The Provincial government have declared a state of disaster so that they can get National government aid and assistance but that will take time to mobilise.
The focus will be on child-headed households and the sick and elderly. As we all know, child-headed households a major concern in the area.
Food will be transported by road from Johannesburg to Mtunzini, where it will be off loaded by teams organised by the ward councillors and tribal leaders and divided between them for distribution to the families.
Although this project aims to see 1000 families reached, this trip will carry enough food for just over 600 food parcels.
Through our contacts in the Southern-KZN relief project, we got a truck very quickly with extra discount if we leave from Jo'burg. This means we are shopping from Cape Town via email and telephone
A mutual funding partner of Connect Network and One Voice SA is covering the bulk of the known costs.
How can you help?
​What we need is:
prayer support for the whole project
that the food​ for 600+ parcels can be sourced and ready for pick up by Wednesday
that the truck travels safely to the drop-off point
that the distribution goes well
ambassadors who will tell others about this project and the needs
financial donations to cover any extra costs that might arise with this trip