Practical compassion
motivated by love.
Covid-19: Our 2021 Response
Feeding the hungry
The crisis may have abated but there are still many hungry people. We are no longer supporting the large number of kitchens. Currently we are involved directly with 15 kitchens across wider Cape Town, five of these are in Fisantekraal. For all of these kitchens we are one of their sponsors for food. Whilst we do need to raise funds to do our part to keep these pots full, as long as is necessary, we are no longer focused on relief.
Developing sustainable safe spaces
In keeping with our #morethansoup thinking, we are now involved with establishing sustainable gardens to address food security and dignity. And also with creating child friendly hubs of care to address psychosocial needs of children and their families.
We wish to thank everyone -individuals, families, businesses, churches, organisations - who gave time, energy, care, encouragement and financially during 2021
Covid-19: Our 2020 Response
Keeping with our vision, mission and practice for our 15 years as an organisation, we responded to the impact of the lockdown in April - which was huge and widespread - with practical support in the form of food and emotional/psychosocial care.
We contacted organisations and individual care givers that we had worked with - where we had mutual relationships of trust and accountability, where we knew that vulnerable and needy people would be treated with love and dignity - and together built a network of kitchens run by people with the same heart.
With the generous financial support of individuals, churches and businesses many people received cooked food and food parcels to feed and care for their families through the hunger crisis. At the height of the hunger crisis we worked with 35 kitchens across various communities to feed those who were unable to provide food for themselves and their children.
From October the situation began to change as the crisis lessened. We then began a journey towards the #morethansoup development strategy we had in mind when we rose to the challenge of a hunger crisis.
We are thankful for everyone who gave financially and of the time and energy in 2020.